On January 22, 2025, our team presented a demonstration of the Magnetic Inductive Communication System to Minister Colton LeBlanc. During the event at Sexton Campus, home to the new Microelectronics Innovation, Design, and Integration (MINDI) Hub, The Honorable Colton LeBlanc, Minister of Growth and Development, highlighted his government’s investment in the Community Economic Development Fund.
The WUWNet 2024 was a great networking event on underwater communications. We presented our new work related to a reinforcement learning multiple access control, as well as our development of a photo-acoustic crude-oil imaging system. During his keynote, Prof. Bousquet presented the objectives of our new Innovation Hub related to integrated micro-electronic systems to enable ocean monitoring.
IEEE Quantum week was an eye opener. The significant increase in attendance at this event in the past few years has been tremendous. Our team presented its SQUID based quantum magnetometer.
The UW-STREAM hadgreat representation at IEEE Oceans 2024 in Halifax, and all of our team memberswere able to attend. It was a greatopportunity to meet local industry and to learn about the state-of-the-art. Congratulations to Boris and Parisa for theirgreat presentations related to underwater communications.
In the Summer 2024, we hired Dylan Moore and Hailey Dowling as Summer interns. Their contribution to the research both in the area of acoustics and magnetic induction were invaluable to the research team. We had a great time at the restaurant to close off the internships. Thank you for all your good work, and good luck in your future projects.
A sea trial was conducted on 2024-05-13 to test underwater communication algorithms. The objective of this experiment was to validate the front-ends of the transceivers, specifically the magnetic-induction system and the acoustic transceiver.
We gathered before the Holidays to celebrate our collaboration and the achievements we accomplished in 2023, as well as to discuss our upcoming plans for the coming year.
Odette and Shihao led experiments to characterize a high sensitivity sensor. The measurements were completed at 1.2 K. We want to thank the team at CMC and at the Institut Quantique for their support. Special thanks to Mathieu Juan, Christian Lupien and Fatou Touré.
Our Team was invited to participate in the 2nd annual quantum workshop offered by CMC Microsystems in Magog, Quebec. Our team was represented by Odette, Shihao, Mojgan and Ehsan.
The UW-STREAM participated in the 7th Underwater Acoustic Conference and Exhibit in Kalamata Greece, between June 25 and June 30. Cole presented his work on covert underwater communication systems, while Ananya's work is on real-time adaptive multi-carrier transceivers. It was good to get feedback on our ongoing work.
Tanaka presented our hardware-in-the-loop simulator that is used to diagnose sailboat behaviour, including that of the SeaLeon when it was launched during the 2018 MicroTransat competition.
Ehsan and Jean-Francois visited the National Research Canada Energy, Mining and Environment labs in Boucherville. Thank you to Christophe for hosting. It was very insightful to observe first hands the previous photo-acoustic sensor prototype, and we hope to build on this, as part of the OFI Graduate Excellence Network .
We shared our research on the development of an ASIC for measuring oceanic ambient noise and using power spectral density and other metrics to monitor environmental conditions. This work contributes to standardizing ocean sound as a crucial variable for climate change monitoring.
UW-STREAM members attended the event, showcasing our real-time harbour porpoise localization system on SoC. Congratulations to Jordin for receiving a best student paper award. It was great to connect with researchers globally and exchange innovative ideas post-pandemic
Ryan Taylor and Surinder presented at FORCE's headquarters their final deployment to transfer radar data from a remote lighthouse.
Dr. Bousquet provided a seminar on the Internet of Underwater Things at the University of New Brunswick. Thank you to Prof. Monica Wachowicz and her research team, our hosts at UNB.